can sheep eat asparagus

Can Sheep Eat Asparagus? Does it Improve the Meat Quality?

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Many people assume that sheep should only eat hay and grains. However, that is far from the truth. Sheep have a diverse palate and will enjoy an occasional treat of different vegetables and fruits from your garden. So with that in mind, can sheep eat asparagus?

Yes, your sheep can eat asparagus, but this vegetable can only serve as an occasional supplement or treat, not their primary diet. Asparagus is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals for your sheep.

Additionally, feeding your sheep asparagus helps to improve their meat quality and overall health. And that is not all; the roots of asparagus, which are often used to make some human medicines, with caution, can also be used as sheep feed.

Now, before going deep into the main topic, can sheep eat asparagus?, let’s begin by looking into the nutritional value of asparagus in sheep.

can sheep eat asparagus

Nutritional Benefits of Feeding Asparagus to Sheep

Asparagus boasts of having an outstanding nutritional profile containing:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of the largest nutrient components in asparagus. And for proper growth and development of sheep, there should be substantial quantities of vitamin A in the diet.

In addition, vitamin A will help improve sheep’s immune system, boost night vision, and enhance reproductive performance. In lambs, vitamin A promotes normal bone growth.

Vitamin C

A healthy sheep is less prone to diseases and can cope with adverse environmental conditions. Therefore, Vitamin C in Asparagus boosts sheep’s immune system and promotes tissue repair and development.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an excellent anti-oxidant (preventing and repairing damaged cells). And it is essential for gestating ewes and the newborn lamb. Increased supplementation of vitamin E in your sheep’s diet reduces the stillbirth rate in ewes.

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Vitamin K

Vitamin K activates the coagulating factors that help in blood clotting. Therefore, it is required in enormous quantities in newborn lambs and lactating ewes.


Fiber adds bulk to the sheep’s diet. In addition, the fiber in sheep’s diet increases rumination and salivation.  The fiber in asparagus increases roughage in the diet, thus minimizing wool pulling in sheep.


Iron helps in oxygen transportation throughout the body of a sheep. Therefore, it plays a significant role in reducing the incidence of abomasal bloat in lambs.

READ ALSO: Bloat in Sheep | Symptoms, Causes, and Cure!

Amino Acids

Amino acids are essential for maintaining the health and productivity of sheep. Cysteine and methionine, a vital group of amino acids, are crucial for wool production.

Arginine and citrulline are another group of amino acids that plays an essential role in gestation in ruminants.

Low Calorific value

The low calories of asparagus help in maintaining lean bodies in sheep. Therefore, they can carry their weight swiftly as they move around.

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Does Asparagus Improve the Meat Quality In Sheep?

The amino acid, Asparagine, found in asparagus, is believed to improve the quality of sheep meat.

Additionally, the wide range of nutrients in asparagus, proteins, fibers, carbohydrates, and vitamins A, C, E, and K softens mutton and gives it that exceptional sweet taste when consumed.

In addition, asparagus contains anti-oxidant properties that help reduce rancidity in meats during storage. For this reason, asparagus is often used to fatten lambs and pigs before slaughter. Improved meat quality commands higher market value.

Although there is no scientific evidence that feeding asparagus to sheep increases meat quality, this farmer believes it does.

How to prepare Asparagus before Feeding Your Sheep

Sheep feed well on fresh asparagus. The most nutritious parts of the asparagus plant are the shoot and stems.

Roots, on the other hand, contain high amounts of alkaloids. Therefore, caution should be taken when providing them to sheep.

Now, before diving into giving your sheep asparagus, here are some simple procedures you first need to follow:

1.     Thoroughly wash asparagus with clean water

Readily harvested and store-bought asparagus usually contain dirt. Though the store-bought asparagus dirt may not be visible, it is good to first clean them off with clean water.

Besides, you can opt first to soak your asparagus in warm water for one hour. This helps to remove the toxins present.

2.     Chop your asparagus into pieces

For sheep to feed effectively, it is best to slice your asparagus into small pieces of about 3 to 4 cm. To prevent your sheep from getting choked, you can choose to shred your asparagus into finer pieces.

3.     Provide it in relatively low quantities

The digestive tract of sheep is not designed to digest such feed; hence, asparagus should only supplement their regular diet.

This also means it should be given in relatively low quantities. The general rule is that asparagus should be 5-10 % of the daily feed. When your sheep overfeed on asparagus, they develop digestive problems causing diarrhea.

How to Feed Asparagus to Sheep through Grazing

Sheep are fond of eating most non-thorny and non-scented green plants. And can feed on asparagus by grazing or chopping them in their feeding troughs.

Grazing does not only allow sheep to easily feed on a wide range of fresh feedstuff at a time but also to exercise their body. Nonetheless, allowing sheep to graze in the asparagus fields should be done with utmost care.

Here, you can let the flock graze on the fields for a short time, i.e., about 1 – 2 hours, after which you can transfer them to the grass pastures.

Health Risks Associated with Overfeeding Asparagus to Sheep

As long as you provide asparagus to sheep in low amounts, it won’t harm them. However, if your flock overfeeds on this vegetable, they are likely to suffer from diarrhea, dehydration, and in some cases, cardiac arrest.

Too much asparagus in your sheep’s diet can cause asparagine poisoning, resulting from elevated levels of aspartic acid. This chemical can be toxic to sheep if consumed in large quantities.

People Also Ask

Do sheep need to eat asparagus every day?

You don’t have to feed your sheep with asparagus every day. But if you have plenty of it and are afraid it will be wasted, you can provide it daily but on limited proportions of 5 – 10 % of the total feed.

What is the best time of the day to feed your sheep with asparagus?

The best time of the day to feed your sheep with asparagus is in the morning.

Can sheep eat cooked asparagus?

Yes, sheep can eat cooked asparagus.

Is asparagus poisonous to sheep?

Asparagus is not poisonous to sheep if fed in relatively low amounts.

Does asparagus cause diarrhea in sheep?

Overfeeding sheep with asparagus causes digestion problems which can result in diarrhea.

Is asparagus a good source of food for sheep?

Due to the tons of nutrients and minerals in asparagus, yes, asparagus is an excellent food source for sheep.

Can lambs feed on asparagus?

Yes, asparagus is rich in vitamin A, which helps in bone development; therefore, it should also be provided to the lambs.

Is it good for lactating ewes to feed on asparagus?

Lactating ewes require more iron and vitamin E in their diet. Supplementing their diet with asparagus is beneficial for their overall well-being.

Final Thoughts

When supplementing your sheep’s diet, opting for something your sheep will enjoy is often the right call. If you realize your flock loves to feed on asparagus, provide it. With tons of nutrients and minerals in asparagus, your sheep, from ewes, lambs, to rams, will highly benefit from this vegetable.


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